The Gendarme has been outfitting Seneca Rocks climbers since 1971. The Gendarme’s extensive collection of antique gear served as the inspiration and core content of The Seneca Project. On this page, explore The Gendarme as it looks today, and view some of the gear collection. Also, be sure to check out the Gendarme’s gear catalog from 1982, as well as the Chouinard “Clean Climbing” catalog from 1972, both graciously contributed from The Gendarme’s collection.
- Welsh figure eight
- Steel Carabiner
- Sticht Plate Belay Device
- Piton
- Piton from 10th Mountain Division
- Uncut nuts, ca. 1972
- Custom Made Piton
- Peck Crackers, ca. 1970
- Gendarme Nuts, ca 1972
- Royal Robins climbing shoe, ca. 1969
- Hex
- Markwell Hex
- 1st Generation chouinard Hexes, ca. 1972
- Soft Steel Piton
- Piton
- Knifeblades
- Gerry Brake Bar
- Piton
- Bugaboo Piton, ca. 1965- 1989
- Aluminum Bong Bong, ca. 1961
- Steel Bong, ca. 1943- 1970
- Steel Angle, ca 1950- 1970
- Steel Brake Bar Carabiner
- Quarter Inch Star Drive Bolt With Leeper Hanger
- Pin
- Pin
- Pin
- Piton
- Piton from US MTG
- Bolt
- Broken Rigid Cam
- Clog Figure 8 Belay Device
- Double Lobe Lowe Brothers Cam, ca. 1972
- Piton Cam
- Early TCU, ca. 1985
- Friend imitation cam
- Edelrid Single Lobe Cam ca. 1983
- Buddy
- Passive Cam CMI Prototype, ca. 1977
- Homemade Cam
- Hand Made Piton